There is no health without mental health.

-Linos Muvhu

Mission statement

The mission of Circles of Connection & Resilience is to intervene in the lives of young people to prevent or reduce symptoms of mental ill health.

Our story

In 2014, we recognized the potential of a psychoeducational curriculum that emerged from the work of Sandra Bloom, M.D. and Joe Foderaro, MSW. 

We began adapting the curriculum to make it relevant to young people in urban community settings who were disconnected, disenfranchised, and marginalized. The young people became excited about it and began using the language, concepts, and skills to advocate for supports and resources. They started to see themselves as leaders in their communities. 

Who we are

We have worked in the behavioral health system for decades, addressing gaps through policy, advocacy, direct service, and research methodology. 

Through our accumulated experience, we have learned from young people that the ways in which systems engage with them must fundamentally change.

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